What is Cross Platform Desktop App Development?

by Dinithi

Desktop applications are crucial for both individuals and businesses. However, it can be challenging to create them for various platforms. Cross-platform desktop app development provides a solution to this issue. It employs frameworks and tools to develop a sole codebase that operates on multiple platforms, saving valuable time, energy, and resources.

This blog post will explain the benefits of creating cross-platform software, which provides users with a consistent experience on all devices. It will also cover the tools typically utilized for developing such software and common challenges when developing cross platform desktop apps.

Introduction to cross platform desktop app development

Creating cross-platform desktop applications means developing apps that can function on different operating systems by using one set of code. This saves developers time and money as there is no need to create separate code for each platform. Popular frameworks used for developing cross-platform applications include Electron, React Native, and HTML CSS JavaScript. These tools allow developers to write code once and deploy it to multiple platforms with minimal effort.

The primary benefit of developing cross-platform applications is that your software can be used on a variety of devices, from PCs and Macs to tablets and smartphones. It also reduces the amount of code you need to write for each platform, as well as the number of frameworks you will need to learn. Additionally, cross platform desktop app development allows developers to use a single codebase for all versions of their software, making it easier to provide users with consistent experiences across multiple devices.

Brief History of Cross Platform Desktop Application

The idea of cross-platform desktop application development has been around for years. In the 1990s, developers began to use languages such as Java and C++ to write code that could be used on a variety of platforms. The concept of ” write once and run anywhere” was popular at that time. However, these frameworks used at that time had limitations in terms of performance and compatibility with different devices.

During the 2000s, various open-source projects were developed to help developers create applications that could run on multiple platforms. Apple’s Cocoa and Microsoft’s .NET were introduced, which enabled developers to use a single codebase for their desktop applications.

In 2010, Xamarin was founded to provide a cross-platform development environment for building native mobile and desktop applications using C# and the .NET framework. Xamarin allows developers to write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows.

Currently, there are multiple frameworks that allow developers to create desktop applications that work on various platforms. Some examples include Electron, React Native, HTML CSS JavaScript, Flutter, and others. Each of these tools provides unique features and benefits that simplify the process of building apps for multiple devices.

Benefits of creating cross-platform desktop apps

Cross-platform software is beneficial for both developers and users in several ways.

  1. It saves time since only one codebase needs to be written rather than needing to create separate applications for each operating system.
  2. It provides users with a consistent experience across devices. Updates and bug fixes can be applied to the entire application simultaneously, which makes maintenance simpler.
  3. This type of software is also more cost-effective than coding for multiple platforms independently.
  4. Cross-platform desktop apps are easier to share with other users as they can be used on multiple devices.
  5. Cross-platform development can help businesses launch their applications faster by allowing them to create a single codebase for all platforms. This reduces the time needed for application development and launch.

Tools and Frameworks for Developing Desktop Apps for Multiple Platforms

There are a variety of tools and frameworks available for creating cross-platform desktop applications. Some examples include Electron, React Native, HTML CSS JavaScript, Flutter, and others. Each framework provides unique features and benefits that simplify the process of building apps for multiple devices.


The Electron framework is commonly used for creating desktop applications that work on multiple platforms. It utilizes Node.js and Chromium and allows developers to use web-based technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Well-known apps such as Visual Studio Code, Discord, and Slack utilize Electron.


Qt is a framework for developing applications that can be used on various operating systems. It is written in C++ and comes with a comprehensive range of libraries and tools. Notably, applications such as Skype and VirtualBox have been built using Qt.

React Native

React Native is not only useful for creating mobile apps but can also be utilized for building desktop applications that are compatible with multiple platforms. By leveraging JavaScript, developers can utilize the cross-platform capabilities of React Native to create such applications.


Flutter is a platform-independent framework for developing mobile applications using the Dart programming language. It includes a comprehensive collection of widgets and tools that help developers build efficient applications that can be executed natively across multiple platforms, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux.

NET Core

NET Core is a development framework that allows developers to create desktop applications using multiple languages, such as C# and F#. It includes a full range of tools and libraries and is also cross-platform.

Let’s explore some additional options for cross-platform development, in addition to the tools and frameworks mentioned earlier.


JavaFX is a Java-based user interface toolkit that can be used to create desktop applications that work on multiple operating systems. Developers can take advantage of the toolkit’s pre-built user interface controls and use CSS styling and animations to enhance their applications.


NW.js is a framework used for building cross-platform desktop applications. It’s similar to Electron, as both are based on Node.js and Chromium. However, NW.js offers more features like interacting with native code and accessing the file system.


Xamarin is a framework for developing apps that can work on multiple platforms. It allows developers to write code in C# to create native desktop applications. By using pre-built UI controls and accessing native APIs on each platform, developers can create applications that have a native look and feel on Windows, macOS, and Linux.


Developers can use Avalonia, a cross-platform UI toolkit, to create desktop applications with XAML and C#. Avalonia includes pre-built UI controls, as well as support for styling and theming.


NodeGUI is a framework that allows for the creation of cross-platform desktop applications using Node.js and Qt. It offers access to native APIs, native widgets, and styling options.

Future Trends in Developing Desktop Apps for Multiple Platforms

Efficient Framework and Libraries

As technology continues to evolve, so too will the tools that help developers create cross-platform desktop applications. In the future, we can expect to see more frameworks and libraries that make it easier for developers to create apps on multiple devices with minimal effort. Developers will also be able to utilize new technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence in their apps, which will help them build more personalized and powerful applications.

Higher Usage of Web Technologies

There will be a higher usage of web technologies for developing desktop applications that will work on different platforms. The popularity of frameworks like Electron and NodeGUI will encourage more developers to use web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in creating these apps.

More Partnerships between Platforms

In the future, we might witness more partnerships between different platforms in order to enhance cross-platform compatibility. An instance of such collaboration is the joint effort of Microsoft and Apple to bring Microsoft Office to the Mac platform. Expect more partnerships like this to enhance the user experience for cross-platform desktop applications.

As technologies such as AI and AR/VR become more popular, we can anticipate seeing desktop applications that work across platforms incorporating these advancements. This might involve utilizing AI to create chatbots or incorporating AR/VR into desktop applications. By doing so, users will be able to experience interactive content and more engaging user interfaces.

Overall, the development of cross-platform desktop applications is an ever-evolving process that will continue to benefit from the advancements in web technologies. Developers can expect more frameworks and libraries to be developed, as well as increased collaboration between different platforms. As technologies like AI and AR/VR become more widespread, developers can also expect to incorporate them into their applications, creating an even better user experience.


In summary, developing cross-platform desktop applications is becoming more commonplace due to the emergence of frameworks and tools . Popular development frameworks such as Electron, Qt, React Native, Flutter, and NET Core, are just some of the tools that can be used to create powerful cross-platform applications. As technology continues to advance, developers will have access to even more tools that make it easier for them to build multi-platform apps.

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