What is an application programming interface?

by Dinithi

Have you ever wondered how your phone’s weather app gets its information? An interface known as an Application Programming Interface (API) allows different programs to communicate with each other, allowing for data transfer.  An API (Application programming interface) allows different software to connect, allowing us to place an order on one company’s website and then book our flight or hotel through another site using the same login information.

Although knowing precisely how API functions may not be essential, it’s important to understand that APIs are interfaces between your software and other programs. They’re also tools that help programmers more easily write new code. This article will discuss what an Application Programming Interface is, how it works, and why they’re so crucial for businesses today.


Definition for Application Programming Interface


We often hear the term “API” used in reference to software applications, but what exactly is an API? ”An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols that allow two software components to communicate with each other. For example, the weather bureau’s software system contains daily weather data. Your phone’s weather app talks to this system via APIs and displays daily weather updates.”
For the two systems to communicate, they must share a standard set of rules that define how data will be exchanged.

For example, if the weather bureau’s software only accepts data in XML format, and the phone’s app sends JSON instead of XML (a different way to write computer instructions), the two systems won’t be able to communicate with each other. The same goes for web pages. If your browser is set up to accept only HTML pages, it won’t be able to communicate with the web server if it sends back a page written in an older language like ASCII.

The beauty of APIs is that they allow two software systems to communicate with each other without having to know how the other system works. If you are using an API, it doesn’t matter if the data is in JSON or XML format—the two systems will still be able to talk to each other.

Weather App


API Protocols 

Different types of APIs allow different types of interactions. Some of the most common types of APIs are listed below:

  • SOAP API: SOAP is a more versatile protocol than REST, but it’s also more limiting in most aspects: SOAP APIs can only work with XML data and have stricter request conditions. They also demand more bandwidth than REST (which makes them slower).
  • REST API: REST (Representational State Transfer) can be faster than SOAP because it uses the lightweight JSON format to transmit requests and responses. Each request/response pair is handled independently in REST This protocol uses HTTP methods to access and manipulate data. RESTAPIs are typically used to access web services that expose data or business logic.
  • XML-RPC API: XML-RPC is a remote procedure call that uses XML passed via HTTP(S) as transport. With it, clients can contact servers (which are named by URIs) and get back structured data after calling methods with parameters. XML-RPC is a very simple protocol and is not as popular as SOAP or REST. However, the newer JSON-RPC protocol has largely replaced it.
  • JSON-RPC API: JSONRPC also allows for multiple calls to be sent to the server simultaneously. This can be useful when making several requests that can be processed independently, such as fetching data from multiple sources. The server can then respond to each request asynchronously without waiting for the others to complete.


Types of APIs


There are many types of APIs, and they can be used for various purposes. Some APIs only work with specific software programs, while others are designed to be used by any application. In addition to this, some APIs are free, while others require payment before use.

Most APIs today are for accessing web applications. Here’s a breakdown of the different types:

  • Open APIs – These are the APIs you can access with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
  • Partner APIs – Strategic business partners use this API. Generally, developers use a public API developer site to access these APIs in self-service mode. They must still undergo an onboarding procedure and obtain login credentials to access partner APIs.
  • Internal APIs – These private APIs are not accessible to anyone outside the firm and are meant to boost productivity and communication across various internal development teams.
  • Composite APIs – Composite APIs are a design strategy that combines many API calls into a single API call. Rather than making many journeys to a server, a client can perform a single API request In other words, these APIs let programmers or API developers reach several endpoints in a single call. Composite APIs are helpful in microservices architectures because a single action may require data from multiple sources. 


Why need API requests?

 GET, POST, and PUT are the most common types of API requests. They are used to interact with an API, and they allow you to send data to the server while getting information back.

The most common type of request is a GET request. This request retrieves data from the server and sends it back to your app or website. The other two requests are POST and PUT requests. They both send data from your app or website to the server, but they do so in different ways. A POST request sends data as part of an HTTP request, which means it’s sent over the internet in plain text.

Openweathermap API

The OpenWeatherMap API is an open(free) weather map interface which provides data in JASON, XML or HTML format. The service works well in browsers, but we also provide a Python programming language and an HTTP client class.

Step 1 – Get the Weather API Key

Here’s how to receive an OpenWeatherMap API key:

  1. Navigate to https://openweathermap.org/ to access the OpenWeatherMap website. 

  2. Click the “Sign up” button and fill out the registration form with your information, such as your name, email address, and password. 

  3. Check your email for a confirmation link after submitting the registration form, and click on it to activate your account. Log in to your OpenWeatherMap account after it has been activated. 

  4. Go to https://home.openweathermap.org/api keys to see the API keys page, and to generate a new API key, click the “Generate” button. 

  5. Provide a name for your API key, choose the best price plan for your needs (Free or Paid), and click the Generate button.

Step 2 – Make HTTP get a request

Once you are done with the first step next you need to make an HTTP request to access open weather map weather information. To make the http get request, we use Python programming language in the Visual Studio Code environment. You can follow tutorials below to install VS code into your machine, and to install python.


Install Visual Studio Code

Once you have your API key, you can use it in Python code ‘YOUR API KEY’ in the code example given below with your actual API key.

import requests

# Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key

# Set the URL for the OpenWeatherMap API endpoint
url = f'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=London&appid={API_KEY}'

# Make a GET request to the API endpoint
response = requests.get(url)

# Check if the response was successful (HTTP status code 200)
if response.status_code == 200:
    # Convert the JSON response into a Python dictionary
    data = response.json()
    # Print the current temperature in Celsius
    print(f'The current temperature in London is {data["main"]["temp"] - 273.15:.2f}°C.')
    print('Failed to get weather data from OpenWeatherMap.')


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1 comment

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