Exploring the World of Bug Bounties: What’s the Biggest Bug Bounty?

by Deshan
Hidden error operating system - Bug bounty

In the world of technology and cyber security, the concept of bug bounties has gained significant attention. Bug bounties are rewards offered to ethical hackers who discover and report security vulnerabilities or bugs in software, websites or applications. These programs play a vital role in strengthening digital security. One common question that comes up a lot is, “What is the highest bug bounty ever awarded?” In this article, we take a deep dive into the bug bounty landscape, exploring some notable examples of high bug bounties and the reasons behind their substantial bounties.

Understanding Bug Bounties

Before we dive into the top bug bounty programs, it’s important to understand the basics of bug bounty programs:

  • Purpose: Bug bounties are established by organizations to identify and address security vulnerabilities before malicious hackers can exploit them. These programs encourage ethical hackers, often referred to as white-hat hackers, to actively seek out and report vulnerabilities.
  • Scope: Bug bounty programs define the scope of what can be tested. They indicate which software, websites or applications are suitable for testing, as well as the types of vulnerabilities that are in scope.
  • Rewards: Ethical hackers who discover and report valid security flaws are rewarded. Rewards can vary and may include cash, prizes, public recognition, or a combination thereof.
  • Reporting: Ethical hackers must act responsibly when reporting vulnerabilities. They usually provide detailed information about the problem, including a proof of concept to demonstrate its impact.
  • Verification: Organizations running bug bounty programs have security teams that review and verify reported vulnerabilities. This ensures that rewards are only given for legitimate security issues.

Highest Rewards for Mistakes

Now let’s take a look at some of the highest awarded bug bounties and the stories behind them:

1. $1 million bug bounty from Apple:

In August 2019, Apple made headlines by announcing its largest bug bounty to date: up to $1 million for uncovering critical security vulnerabilities in iOS devices. The move marked a significant shift in Apple’s approach to cybersecurity, as the company was previously known for its closed ecosystem and limited bug bounty program. The decision to offer such a significant reward was driven by the company’s commitment to improving the security of its products and services.

The bug bounty program has been expanded to include macOS and other Apple software, giving ethical hackers more opportunities to earn substantial rewards. This significant reward increase was seen as a way to incentivize security researchers to focus their efforts on Apple’s platforms, ultimately leading to a safer digital environment for users.

2. $112,500 Chrome Bug Bounties from Google:

Google’s Chrome browser is widely used and the company takes security very seriously. In 2020, Google awarded a $112,500 bug bounty to an ethical hacker named Sergei Glazunov. He discovered and reported a string of vulnerabilities in the Chrome browser that allowed him to execute remote code on a target device. This means that if exploited by malicious actors, these vulnerabilities could potentially compromise a user’s device.

Sergey Glazunov’s expertise and determination to find these vulnerabilities was well appreciated by Google. The company’s bug bounty program is known for offering significant rewards for critical vulnerabilities in its products, reflecting its commitment to user security.

3. Facebook’s $50,000 Bug Bounties:

In 2016, Facebook awarded a $50,000 bug bounty to an ethical hacker named Anand Prakash. It revealed a serious vulnerability in Facebook’s authentication system that could have allowed attackers to take over user accounts. Anand Prakash responsibly reported the issue to Facebook’s security team, who promptly fixed the issue.

This bug bounty case highlights the importance of responsible disclosure and the critical role that ethical hackers play in helping organizations identify and fix security flaws. Facebook’s bug bounty program is one of the most well-known and active programs in the industry, providing bounties for a wide variety of security issues.

4. Tesla’s $1,000,000 bug bounty:

Tesla, the electric car manufacturer, is known not only for its innovative technology, but also for its commitment to cyber security. In 2020, Tesla announced that it would offer a maximum bug bounty of $1 million to hackers who could successfully breach its vehicle security system. This eye-catching reward was a testament to Tesla’s commitment to the safety and security of its vehicles and the people who drive them.

The bug bounty program aimed to identify and address potential vulnerabilities in Tesla cars, including their software and hardware components. While the $1 million reward may seem exceptionally high, it underscores the critical importance of securing connected vehicles in an age of increasing digitization.

5. Bugcrowd’s Million Dollar Club:

Bugcrowd is a crowdsourced cybersecurity platform that connects ethical hackers with organizations looking to improve their security. Bugcrowd introduced its “Million Dollar Club” to recognize ethical hackers who have collectively earned over a million dollars through their platform. This success shows the earning potential for experienced ethical hackers who participate in various bug bounty programs.

The Million Dollar Club includes several individuals who consistently demonstrate their expertise in finding and reporting security vulnerabilities across organizations and platforms. It highlights the opportunities available to ethical hackers in the bug bounty environment.


Bug bounty programs have become a key part of the cybersecurity ecosystem. They motivate ethical hackers to actively find and report vulnerabilities, ultimately making digital spaces safer for users. While bug bounties vary in size and scope, the examples described in this article highlight the substantial rewards that can be earned by ethical hackers who uncover critical security flaws.

The highest-ever bug bounty awards serve as proof of the importance of cybersecurity in an increasingly connected world. Organizations are willing to invest significant amounts in protecting their users and data from potential threats. Ethical hackers, on the other hand, play a key role in this process by using their skills to uncover vulnerabilities and contribute to a safer digital environment.

As technology continues to advance, bug bounty programs will remain a key tool in the ongoing battle to secure digital systems and protect the privacy and security of individuals and organizations worldwide.

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